Third Party Administrators
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    TPA Drug Manufacturer
    How Can I Update My Contact Information In HPMS
    Drug Manufacturers
    1. Log into HPMS (Health Plan Management System)
    2. On the Drug Manufacturer Contract Management Start Page, select Contract Data on the left navigation bar.
    3. On the Update Contract Data page, add or edit contact data as needed
      • As noted in the Contact Type column, some contacts are required; some are optional.
      • Please make sure that your company has the proper contact person listed for TPA Liaison and CGDP Payment Contact.
      • When filling out information for a contact, at a minimum, fill out all required fields. These are noted with an asterisk (*).

    4. Click Submit. Then, on the Confirmation Page, click Submit again to return to the Drug Manufacturer Contract Management Start Page.

    Please note*TPA Liaison is the primary point of contact that facilitates a close working relationship with the TPA Operations associates. CGDP Payment Contact is the primary contact person for payment issues and financial related communication. This person should be able to make financial decision and be authorized to sign financial documentation.

    Plan Sponsors
    1. Log into HPMS (Health Plan Management System).
    2. On the Contract Management Start Page, click on Basic Contract Management.
    3. Select your contract number.
    4. On the menu option, choose Contact Information and then click on the hyperlink “Contact Data”
    5. On the Update Payment Contact page, add or edit contact data as needed.
      • As noted in the Contact Type column, some contacts are required; some are optional.
      • Please make sure that your company has the proper contact person listed for Third Party Administrator Liaison (for Part D Sponsors) and Coverage Gap Discount Program Payment Contact (for Part D Sponsors and Manufacturers).
      • When filling out information for a contact, at a minimum, fill out all required fields. These are noted with an asterisk (*).

    6. Click Submit. Then, on the Confirmation Page, click Submit again to return to the Contract Management Start Page.

    Please note*Third Party Administrator Liaison is the primary point of contact that facilitates a close working relationship with the TPA Operations associates. Coverage Gap Discount Program Payment Contact is the primary contact person for payment issues and financial related communication. This person should be able to make financial decision and be authorized to sign financial documentation.



    last updated on 04/19/2016